Pure Adrenaline Wrestling
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Before his qualify Match

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Before his qualify Match Empty Before his qualify Match

Post by Guest Fri Jun 18, 2010 5:36 am

Lokis music, Face Down from Emigrate, plays and the fans start to booh loud. As Loki appears at the entrance ramp, throw the fans waste to him. But because of the big range between the fans and the entrance ramp, doesn´t hit this waste Loki. He waits, before the fans stops to throw trash, and he smiles. As the fans stops, begin Loki to go to the ring. But, then the fans start again to throw waste on him. He runs fast back and notice, that nothing hits him. Then he calls for a staff member, who should bring him a mic. One ring-side staff member grabs a mic and runs to Loki, but he slip on a piece of waste and fall down. He slowly gets up and walks to Loki, giving him the mic. The this staff person turns around and starts to clean himself, as Loki pushes him hard from behind, so this Staff Member falls again into the waste.
The whole arena booohs, while Loki laughs.

Loki: Ladies and Gentleman, poor PAW fans, like i said last show, i will win my match and i will impress you. So, i can´t understand, why you think, that you can throw trash to me? Well, i find only one explination for this. Trash is what you love and in what you live! And you want to make your home to my home. But that doesn´t work. I live in luxury World.

The arena chant: "Loki su**s"

Loki: You know, tonight is your so called PPV. And i will be in a match tonight, where i can qualify myself for a spot in the PAW World Title Match. And you know, why i stand in this match. Because i impressed you all, because i am the only reason, fans watch this show. So, PAW-s, first, i will fight Olympus. I never heard from him before... and i will never hear something from him again, after i beat him in 1 minute. And then, i will headline this PPV, i will win this PPV Main Event... and i will be at the top of this federation. And then... then you all want, that i buy this Federation, i am sure.

The arena chant: "Never!" and "Go Home!". Loki smiles.

Loki: You will see... so, first, i will win this Match... and then i will be back, here, to tell you more of the truth!

Lokis music starts and he slowly goes backstage


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