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Before Taba vs Loki

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Before Taba vs Loki Empty Before Taba vs Loki

Post by Guest Thu Jun 17, 2010 1:06 pm

Bo Stevens: We want to show you today an special extra, which was showed last show just for the fans in the arena... but now, you, our TV and internet fans, can see it too.
Karl Wolfe: Yes, its Loki, who talks to the fans before his Match last show against Tabaluga. Lets watch it!

Loki sits angry in the global locker room. As he notice, that a camera shows him, starts Loki to smile sarcastic.

Loki: Look where i am now. I am in this dirty little locker room, just to impress you and this BoD, to let you know, what i can. First, i thought, that after my actions last show... now, lets make it correct, after my successfull Invasion, that i doesn´t need to prove myself in a Match... and i don´t thought, that i need to dress myself in this room. It´s dirty, it´s small, it su**s... like you all, PAW Fans!

The fans boohs so loud, that Loki can hear this too. He starts to laugh.

Loki: Tonight, you will see me, fighting with my friend, Tabaluga! I don´t want this fight... but well, i am forced, to do this. And so, i will show you today, what real wrestlers can. Not these PAW Wrestlers, no. Real Top-Wrestlers like Tabaluga and me. We will give you a great Match... which i will win, i promise... and then, you PAW fans, want to see more from me and my guys... and the, BoD, is this fed just days away from buyed by me!

The fans boohs, Loki looks successfull into the camera, before the camera fades away

Karl Wolfe: That was right before his match... and then, he won, like he promised. But, thats not all, we are informed, that Loki will join us inring in some minutes!


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